Well it is the new year. I can hardly believe that 2006 has slipped through our fingers so incredibly fast. I can remember back to the beginning when I was thinking about the fact of going back to school. It was a very exciting time, where I did not know what to expect or how things would go. But that semester went like a flash, from getting my sweet dorm room with an incredible balcony that overlooked a sea of openness. To the excitement of ditchboarding behind Mavis' truck and the epic feeling of graduation. Then there was the summer of working different jobs and dreading work until I was taken under the wing of Daryl Bueckert. All of a sudden waking up in the morning and going to work was a chance to go be with some of my closest friends. A place of encouragement, somewhere that made time speed by from day to day. And soon after we were moved out of our place in saskatoon and prepping for this trip. This journey has been a blur of latin culture. People that speak from their hearts, and are filled with life giving energy. These past two months on the road have humbled me and taught me the love of Christ. A love that stretches to all people and needs to be shown by us the body in practical expressions. I have seen the need for father figures, financial aid, political changes, social programs and more importantly a church that lives out their convictions. I have seen how beautiful she looks in places and I have seen nothing in places. In all I am so grateful for the experiences of this past year. They have developed a depth of character in each one of us that excites me and will hopefully have prepared us for whatever lies ahead. Lehmann
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