Hearing from home has been awesome, it turns out that since we´ve left everyone has decided their gonna get married. This must have been the most romantic Christmas holidays ever. Maybe it was a little something like this Latin culture we are seeing; in the parks, the restaurants, back streets, front streets. They let everyone know they´ve found romance. "It´s not wrong it´s just different." That is something Ken has reminded us of often, usually when we are in traffic or paying more then their advertised price. (ALWAYS... probably cause we´re white) Right now the boys from the home are at camp for the week, and Ken has taken us to Cochabamba, to show us this very beautiful city. It was a 9 hour drive through incredible mountain scenery. The road varied from smooth pavement curves, that you would simply love to drive a sport bike through, to a wash out with rocks and mud and no pavement. We had a nail pop into a tire when we were near a summit (far from anywhere) that we had to hurry to some village to find a tire guy before we got flat. When we finally did stop to fix the tire, we had it fixed with a plug and were charged $1.50 and Ken also gave him his coke. These mountain people are very often poor, working very hard for very little. They have a short stature often with round wind burnt faces. Many of these women come to the cities to beg on the streets with their children. Unlike Canada, there are no government social programs for these people to get money. It seems that instead of welfare we are all faced in person by the people that we should all contribute to. This poverty is very unavoidable and forces to you ask yourself if you will give to the poor, and how much. A very difficult challenge day to day. This lack of money seems to disprove the old saying `money is nothing´ for these people the importance of money is very real, and quite sad. Because I find that with the constant worry of having enough money, and it having such an importance, other valuable and important things are lost. Some have lost joy, hope, and their faith is tested. Some of these people need to find someone to lift them up. I have prayed that they would receive the hand of God in their lives, and bless them, with faith, hope, and love. God may want to do this through people that are able and I also pray that we would all respond to our calls. Jesus´ life example and message of the `The Kingdom of God´ is much more than a personal message of how I should live. It should also apply to how we should all work together as a church, community, province or country to live that example. Perhaps greater than ourselves, we may have a calling as church, town, country that is very real and not to be ignored. Lets pray for these people. -
Kenton- (Feel free to comment more on this more.)

I appreciate your challenge towards us to realize how blessed we are to have what we have. I am a selfish person. I often find myself pressured by our North American culture to want what is new and fancy. I have never liked going to the mall because I find myself comparing what I have and who I am to what society says I should have to be happy. However, I'm finding myself more and more aware of this pressure whenever I enter a mall. It's so important for us to guard our hearts. I desire to be more thankful for what I have been given by God. I pray that this thankful attitude would consume North America and that we would all begin to appreciate the simple things in life. I truly am blessed and I desire to offer life to people who have lost all hope. I am so thankful for what God has been showing you guys - it impacts all of us.
Hi Kenton,
We appreciated the insight you have given us to the world out there. You guys are constantly in our prayers and we are thankful that you are learning and teaching us the things you have seen. God Bless!
It's not wrong it's just different...those words made my insides tighten and my throat close with emotion. I was on Ken's very first mission team in his career as a Pastor. We went to Jamaica for 2 weeks to begin construction on a house for a family of 5 who was living in a room smaller than an average bathroom. We did tons of other things too, but what I remember the most is Ken guiding me through tests of faith and truthfully, tests of my fortitude and, at 17, how much sadness I could handle before turning right around and swimming for home. The children affected me the most with no shoes, no food and walking several miles just to attend our daily DVBS. Ken was there every step of the way. It's not wrong Kate, it's just different. I hear his voice in a lot of my day to day life. Tell him I miss him (here we go, more tears) and guys, please learn all you can from him. I don't know you well but your family and church speak so highly of you. All three of you are the type of men all should aspire to become. Bless you and God keep you. We all pray for you with the deepest of thanks for your inspirational journey. Kate Kading (Keli's friend)
Since being on Lifeforce this year and having to really really really live in faith that I can pay my bills each month I have been hit in the face with the reality that money has never been mine to keep. It has always been God's money, and just like any other gift we have been given from Him it's never for our own selfish use, it is always to bless those around us. Thanks for the reminder Kenton!
Daniel! I was at Nigel's house yesterday and he was showing me some Guatemala video's and pics, made me miss you even more!!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard!
Yesterday just before Worship Service at our church a young lady (CT) came to invite me to view your blog. You had visited my former church and she thought your voyage might be of interest... indeed it is.
Thank you for taking God seriously by walking by faith. Your example could encourage God's people here. So, perhaps when you return you might visit with us.
Colossians 2:4-7
Yours in the Masters Service,
Pastor Colin Holmes
Assistant Pastor
The Little Southwest Baptist Church
Hi,thinking of you today.We trust you are all doing good.Exodus 14:14 says,"The LordW Ww will fight for you, you need only to be still."We love you guys.Mom Wiebe
Hi,thinking of you today.We trust you are all doing good.Exodus 14:14 says,"The LordW Ww will fight for you, you need only to be still."We love you guys.Mom Wiebe
Hi,thinking of you today.We trust you are all doing good.Exodus 14:14 says,"The LordW Ww will fight for you, you need only to be still."We love you guys.Mom Wiebe
Hi Kenton!!! Dad and I are wishing you a Happy Birthday!!! and looking forward to one year from now when we will all be sitting together at home and celebrating that birthday and listening to all your adventures! May God continue to bless you and keep you. Love, Mom and Dad Klassen
cool man, looks like you guys are having a blast. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENTON
be blessed
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