Words cannot do Justice
This morning I woke up once again needed to look around the room for a while before realizing where I was. It's still hard to believe I am in Central America, a completely different world from my home. Words cannot describe nor pictures contain the experiences that I already hold in my heart after only such a short time. The small town of Poas on the side of a Volcano now holds not only memories but experiences, the kind that sit deep inside your soul and begin eroding away at some of the deep misconceptions you have had about people, and the way you thought life ought to be. Tico people are simple yet so incredibly vibrant in color, affection, music and worship. From the first day I felt that I was at home in a foreign community with a foreign language. I really have to laugh looking back now only days later. We went to peoples homes who didn't speak a lick of English and our Spanish has been very limited to the point of what Tico's call Nada. Yet amazingly it was not so much the work we did at the farm or the singing in church that I think back on as the impact we left rather it was the times sharing meals in homes. Often after our meal of rice and beans was finished they would find a guitar take me to a relatives house where all the rest of the brothers, nephews, neices, grandparents ect. ect. were and they would kindly ask me to sing a song or two, or many. I was overwhelmed at these experiences my heart bouncing not with nervousness but a joy for singing love songs to my Lord with my spanish friends, some of whom likely were not Christians. Then the best part always came when they would sing some songs for us! I cherish those times of deep fellowship. It taught me that you don't always need words to truly connect with people, the smiles and the gestures exchanged between them and us spoke a lot more loudly that most words I have spoken. It has really been a blessing to have music and I am content that I don't need any kind of special talent in order to do so. Just two nights ago we sat in the small apartment of some newfound German friends and had a wonderful time of worship, to them it spoke much more loudly because in Germany worship in such a setting is an unheard of event. God has been faithful to open our eyes everyday to see glimpses of His heart in the people we meet. One day last week we took a drive to a place they call ''little hell'' it is a large drug traffic area with elementry schools all around. We met a man and wife who feed the children in this broken neighborhood out of their own income which comes from selling temales wrapped in Banana leaves on the street. My heart was broken I couldn't help but think about all the things that I have, usless toys, clothes I don't need, junk food I always buy and mounds of usless expensive things that to a North American seem like a staple. Their income was less that 400 dollars a month and from that they feed over 70 children a day! Wow. I want to let the Lord break my heart for the things that break His heart. I believe this was one of them. I have learned a lot about culture and I have seen a lot of glimpses to things that I want to learn. Mostly things of Character as that is what traveling usually seems to do. I can feel myself changing from the man I was a year ago or even a month ago. Today I turn 24 it is a sobering day for me because I feel very far from home, I often feel like I need to be acclomplishing things in my life and learning some kind of carreer and here I am playing with kids and lounging around in Costa Rica. But if I have learnt one thing in my 24 years, it has been that there is no better place in the whole world than to be in the will of God. He has so many good things in store for each person if we would only stop and listen. Obedience means sacrifice but it leads to a world of blessings that can never be found alone. I miss home today my mother always made the best cakes. If I could ask for one thing for my birthday it would be to have strength to walk in obedience every day of my life and that it would speak loudly so others might desire to do the same. Thanks again for your prayers we can literally feel a wall of protection in dark places. Daniel

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!!!! I pray that you will have that strength and that you will walk in confident obedience with our LORD Jesus Christ! Hey Jordan...:) I love ya man...Kenton, I miss your flowery pink bedroom, even though I never hung out there that much, it still is weird. Just thinking back to a previous post of yours, man this school has lacked in random worship...your presence is missed, but your mission is admired...kudos to each of you...give the next local you see a big brotherly Sean hug...and give one to each other.
Dan, as I've told you many times before - I am so proud of you, as well as Jordan and Kenton. I am missing you guys more today than ever. Dan, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Sorry I can't give you a gift. It's a little difficult, if you know what I mean! Lol. I'm always so excited to hear what God is doing in your life. It encourages me to strive for higher, godly living. I love you all so much!
Love Kendall
Dan you are my hero... you are offering me inspiration each day. Thanks for your huge amount of strength. Have a happy Birthday, and try to stop talking in your sleep so much.
Your buddy, Kenton
(I got on the Blog without it being my turn... Yes!!)
I hope you are having a great birthday! It sounds like it has been an amazing adventure so far, with lots to look forward to still! I get nervous about going on only a three week mission to Africa, but it encourages me to read your blogs and hear about what God is doing in and through you guys. You three are great examples to follow.
Take care. I miss you lots Dan!!
Love your lil sis, Lyndsie
Happy Birthday Dan! May God continue to bless you and shape you into his reflection (Prov. 27:19) I'm glad you guys have this blog going. I look forward to reading it regularly.
Today I have been reflecting on Luke 9.57-62. Jesus calls us to radical discipleship no matter what culture we are in and we can only see our delights which hinder unreserved following when we allow the Holy Spirit to renew our mind. Reading this blog is one of those times. I will be using poriotns of this letter as the elder's board meets. WE will be praying for you. Please pray for us as we minister to the sick (Fred J. who has gall stones, Dennis F. with congestive heart failure)those who have no hope but don't know it, and those who say they are following Jesus but are really holding onto their own comforts. Pray for the proper training our missions team. We meet on Sat. Dec 9th 5:30 pm. We love God, you, and the people you are ministering to.
Happy birthday too, Daniel
Rob: Hey guys, I saw in a magazine today your Sega Master System is worth $350!!! Had another Bible Study @ Sean Murray's house tonight!! Paul Hardy came over & got the details about house sitting while we're gone 12-7 through 12-24.
Bob: I'm getting a "taste" of government "red tape" with our requirements to try and bring our foster daughter Lulu from Romania. She (we) have to pay $130 just to get an appt. with the British Embassy to ask if she can go to England with us for a week - plus paperwork!! We certainly are blessed in North America with our freedom. We have a school that accepted her, an appt. with US Embassy on 14th, British Embassy on 15th & bank stmts, hopefully everything needed. Plus plane tickets for her that are refundable. We're going to visit London a few days & an old family friend 4 hrs. north. We'll travel by train for a closer look & a fun & Different way to travel.
Melinda: Happy Birthday Daniel, I Love You!! You guys are doing a fabulous job with creating great word pictures & revealing your transparent souls & hearts. We feel a close connection with the adventure we'll have going to Romania - tomorrow is our last day here. We'll keep you in our thoughts & prayers & we'll covet yours for us. Thanks for your input about bringing her here. You guys will be like brothers to her. :)
Remember we love you guys tons & we're so proud of you following God's calling on your lives. Your Florida Mom - Melinda<>( )
Happy Birthday Dan!!!Another year older hey??? Bet your pretty bummed about that? You guys look like your having an awesome time...Bless Yah
You guys are sensational. It is comforting to know that you can find garbage dumps and get to play lots, so you will feel right at home. Keep up the excellet writing. I think we should pray that many people read your blogspot. I felt like i was going to weep with every statement of your love and obedience to God. Anyone that does not have the privilege of knowing God yet, could not help but feel the love and need to get to know him and search for His love, as they read your passages. I pray that your words and deep emotions touch all the hearts of everyone that follows your trip, and that we shall all be touched and moved within our hearts and lives, just as you are. Take Care God Speed!
Hey dan! You are amazing! I cannot believe that you could do what you're doing so far from home. You inspire me to want to do that and to help others who need it. God Bless, Shelby
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