We are here in Panama city. Our back up plan of leaving will be flying further South on friday, but we are also searching options of transportation possibly water.
Today we went to the Panama Canel and watched a huge ship pass from the Pacific on it´s way to the Atlantic. We are very excited to see the plan unfold, as we continue our journey to Bolivia. We would ask that you would pray for our hearts and minds to be open to hear God as we plan, also that we would have unified thinking. We are very greatful for the many blessings from the People in Costa Rica and pray blessings over them.
The Guys, in Panama City.
So glad you guys made it to Panama
Praying for God to bless you on your travels, open doors to ministry,give you protection, and cheap travel!I love you guys, and your blog!Keep your eyes fixed!
I miss you guys like crazy...as usual. Hope all is going well. Kalena phoned me on Wednesday - it was so awesome being able to talk to her again. The Christmas Banquet is today so everyone is quite excited. There are about 150 stockings in the school lounge full of goodies so we all can't wait to open ours and see what's inside!
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." (Psalm 34: 8 - 10)
Love you guys,
Hey Guys just wondering where you are at now. We made it to Romania, We're getting use to the time change. Saw Lulu last night staying at a Bed and Breakfast. Romania remindes me of Costa Rica rough roads and depressed conditions and neighborhoods. We will continue our prays for you love reading the blog 12/9/06
Hey Canada Guys,
I really had a good time with you and i am glad that i got to meet you.
i hope we will see you in germany next year and we will rock the church there!
blessing to you all and have a great time!
Thanks for the great fun, kathrin
Thank you for to share time with me.
My thoughts, prayers and love go with you
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