The life of a traveling bum is all about moving. Here in India movements are always delayed but always quick. Walking down the street I still jump every time I hear the ear piercing horns inches behind me. It doesn't matter how far off the road I am the horns always continue to blare! And one must always be aware of the vicious monkeys. I am always a big fan of a fury animal, it reminds me of myself but when too many surround me I move fast cause rabies doesn't interest me too much. And of coarse there are the quick and sudden movements that come as a result of the curry...And then of coarse the need to move on from here. Today we venture down the mountain a little way to see what we can find with an awesome couple from Argentina. Sometimes I long to get nice and cozy comfortable in a place but it seems that every time we find any comfort at all we must keep on moving. But really there is a movement going on that is much bigger than us. The movements of a faithful God. Coming to India I so desperately wanted to see what and how God was and is at work. In only a short time we have seen the fingerprints of a father who loves His children here in India. Going to the deaf and dumb school with a ywam team last week we saw 11 young guys give their hearts to Jesus. Then later that week we heard from that same team who reported that they had been in the home of a Hindu family when a lady suddenly dies in their arms (literally) after a while when no pulse was found they began to pray to the one and only true God of heaven and then, Bam! they heard a gasp and she was back to life, True store happened just this last week!, that same team saw another 10 kids and 2 teachers in a school give their lives to Christ as well. There must be something real in all this I think to myself and daily I continue to pray that God would increase my faith. For us the movements we see are a daily faithfulness and a deep encouragement. As I sat in church the other day between a Hindu man and a Buddhist man both earnestly praying to God I was humbled and reminded again that the God I serve is indeed making His movements across the globe. Daniel
Very cool Dan, God is at work! --love to hear about it. We keep praying, and lifting you up to our Faithfil One! Ma Lehmann
Just another monkey going for another mullet grab huh. We are so encouraged to hear the way God is working in India. Hope that He can really use you guys. Keep your spiritual eyes open friends! You are in our prayers. Love you all!
Very cool Dan, God is at work! --love to hear about it. We keep praying, and lifting you up to our Faithfil One! Ma Lehmann
Just another monkey going for another mullet grab huh. We are so encouraged to hear the way God is working in India. Hope that He can really use you guys. Keep your spiritual eyes open friends! You are in our prayers. Love you all!
Purdy and Jon
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