Weekend at the Beach
Friday night we decided enjoy the company of our hosts by cooking a meal for the family. It may not have been the best meal, but we did enjoy their great German flavored company. They also told us a place we should visit this weekend, on the Pacific coast, called Jaco. So as they advised us we took the bus over to Jaco for the weekend to meet the culture of the coast. We spent the weekend there, hunting for the great low prices of Costa Rica. When we did see the beach we were simply awe struck by the incredible beauty of the coast, and the surfing waves that crashed up on shore. After returning to San Jose with our very sun burnt bodies, we had an evening of Latin dance with Rene's wife and her friends. We are determined to be incredible dancers very soon!
Note: to post comments click to the right of each posting's title. We enjoy hearing back from you.
This should work
Hey you guys sorry about the blog, things should run smoothly now, anymore questions just ask away. Love what you guys are doing missing all three of you tons, Dan thanks for the hug from renee. I miss you a lot, I wish you all the best in your travels, Bless you guys, and looking forward to your next blog!!
Hey guys! Thanks for the note about leaving comments. I've been following your journey and praying for you guys. Bless you my brothers.
You guys are amazing! I miss you lots. I look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing more about your experiences. I'm praying for you and I know that God will keep you all safe and bless you deeply.
Love Kalena:)
Hey, maybe this will work this time - everything here is great - VERY cold! We are busy preparing for Jada's birthday party - only 4 more sleeps! We all miss you very much and are praying for you.
Darren, Kale, Jada & Kaela
hi I came to pull Keiths ears 25 times, eat all the cake, none for you.
I found you're blog quite interesting. Wouldn't mind spending some time with you if I had my own bed. Take care and love you all and may God bless.
Grandma Neudorf
Hello how are you, don't get stranded somewhere, watch out for creepy people. Come home safely. Merry Christmas!!
Rachelle and Jesse Berg
Hey there friends! Oh boy do I ever miss you guys!! You have no idea how proud I am of all three of you! I was telling Dan on the phone the other night that you guys have made such a huge impact on my life by being obedient to God's calling for this trip. I am learning so many things and I'm being challenged and growing in amazing ways. It's really hard to not see you guys, but I know that God has great things in store. God is so good. I'm praying for you guys every single day. Be safe, but don't let anything hold you back from fulfilling your dreams. You guys are amazing! Be blessed. Love Kendall
Glad to hear you are all doing well. I hope your journey will continue to show you what God's will is in your life. Each one of you has a reason for going on this trip and may God show you that reason.
With prayers and blessings,
Tracy Adams
Hello you guys,
we just wanted to let you know, that the meal was great, we enjoyed your company very much. we hope to spent same more time with you when we come back from nicaragua.
all the best, blessing kathrin and karsten
Wow! God is blessing you guys. It sounds like things are going really, really well. Take Care.
Hey guys! It's really amazing what you are doing and how you are obeying God!! It's really encouraging. I know my parents and I pray for you everyday that you'll be safe and obedient to God. Just like Kendall said, it really challenges me to do more in my life and step out in faith! You are doing a really amazing thing. God Bless! -Lil Bachtold-
hey guys... sounds like you're really enjoying your time at my uncles + having a great 2nd summer :)
I really wish you the best for the upcoming challenges!
Greatings from a german home, to a german home far away... ;)
Pascal + Sarah
Hey Guys!
You are going to have the best memories ever! Continue to follow His lead and you'll begin to challenge an entire generation, sounds like you have already started. Love you all, and your in my prayers!
hey guys! just thought i'd drop by! take care, and God bless~
your niece/nephew says hi!! (trust me, it sticks its' foot or something in my rib lots, so im taking that as a hint!)
hey guys! just thought i'd drop by! take care, and God bless~
your niece/nephew says hi!! (trust me, it sticks its' foot or something in my rib lots, so im taking that as a hint!)
Hoping that you have a picture of the massive roofing job you did in Florida!
I remember you telling me about this before you left Jordan.
We wish you guys well and we are praying that you will be used to impact people for Jesus (no matter the language barrier) and we are praying also for your saftey, health, family etc...
Costa Rica ninios look so precious!!!
Dan,Jordan and Kenton I hope you are havinga great trip its so cool what you are all doingand I hope it is all you hoped it to be and a million times better. I look forward to hearing more from you. I'll be praying for you guys.
Hi boys! You three are really growing into fine young men that we are sure proud of! Your faith and devotion to God is inspirational to us. It's really wonderful to be able to follow your journey and to have a sense of what you're experiencing. Thank you, and we'll keep watching and praying for you!
Angie & Andy
Praying for all of you, save some of that beach time for when I get there!! Im proud of these steps you are taking, and I hope that maybe someday I can spend a moment or two with you three on this journey...love you guys, its cold here! have fun
Hey Kenton
Hope you are having an awesome time out there. It is really cold here like -40 and lots of snow for November. Hope you don't get lost and always have somewhere to sleep. I hope you send more pictures you know everybody loves pictures. Any way 1 bad thing about your site the blue writing is hard to read.
Anyway take care.
Hi! I trust all is well with you. It's so great to be able to read where you're at and how you're doing. God bless you. I'll continue to pray that all your needs will be met as you continue on your journey.
Es muy frío aquí. Jada tenía alot de la diversión y de la “abundancia” de regalos en su cumpleaños pues ella lo describiría. Esperanza de oír de ti pronto. El dios te bendice y guarda.
Es muy frío aquí. Jada tenía alot de la diversión y de la “abundancia” de regalos en su cumpleaños pues ella lo describiría. esperanza de oír de ti pronto. El dios te bendice y guarda.
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