This morning I was reading about Elijah and Elisha and how they went for a walk one day and as they came to the Jordan river they hit the water with their robe and it parted, so they could walk across on dry land. This is the God that we serve, the impossible becoming possible, dreams turning to reality.
These past two weeks have been an incredible stretching process for the entire team. We have experienced so many trials, whether getting sick physically, dealing with cultural differences or the ever prominent language barrier. It has been such a blessing to watch as each team member takes on the responsibility given them and also continually picks up the slack for those sick or tired or just weary from the cultural differences and needing a break. We have had two camps thus far, each camp having roughly one hundred youth attending. In every camp it has been surreal to see the change in these kids lives, to hear their questions during team devotionals about where God comes from or where He lives. I have loved seeing smiles on their faces and even the tears in their eyes as the last day they walk out of chapel giving hugs and speaking in their broken english, "I shall never forget you". It is these smiles and tears that inspire and encourage us to continue to dream, and to trust that God has big plans not only for our lives but for the lives of each and every kid we have been able to get to know these past couple weeks.
One story to leave you with; When we first arrived I was in meetings with the church leaders here in Gahini. As we went over what the camp was going to look like and all of the small details that are involved with starting a project of this magnitude my good friend and the man in charge here spoke up. He told me that this camp is not only our dream but has been their dream as well. The idea of bringing kids out of their day to day lives and letting them be kids for one week, of giving them good memories to replace all of the pain and hurt in their lives and showing them God's grace love and joy. This he said is something that has been needed here for years and is an incredible blessing to this country. Please continue to pray for us as we have two more camps left to go.
Thanks so much for the update on what's been happening over there. Seeing some more pictures and hearing those stories help me in knowing how to better pray for the work that you are doing over there. It's amazing that so many kids are coming to the camp and I hope and pray that more will continue to come for the camps that are remaining. You are all doing a great work over there, and it is evident that God is blessing your efforts!
We miss you!
Cindy, Brent, Mesele and Abinet
Hope it's gone well guys. It was such a privilege to meet you and to see your vision being unfolded.
We are back in Rwanda in February and can't wait to be there.
Much respect
Andy Harrington
It's so cool to se the pics, and hear from you. The expressions on the children's faces are precious! Childlike faith, we need to be there! I pray that every one of those children will know how big God is, what He has done for them, how deep His love is. We serve a Mighty, loving God, full of compassion! You all are amazing,praying for con'd strength and passion to serve. Finish strong! Love Mom Lehmann
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