The intoxication of sleep deprivation had fully settled upon both kenton and myself. We arose from the well lit storage room that was accessible from a stairwell at the back of a catholic church. It was a room full of spiders, scorpions and other creepy crawlies I am sure we only imagined. But it also contained some hard Styrofoam that took the chill from the cold concrete and was the perfect setting for us to get out of the rain and spend the night. As we hit the road again to try and make it to Cieszyn and meet up with Dan and his brothers friend Josh we hoped for better luck during the early hours of the morning than we had the previous night which led us to that dungeonesque accommodations of the previous night. Until then our journey had been splendid, we were privileged with a ride that blessed us with twenty euro, an especially large sum of money for a backpacker on a tight budget and many miles still to go! But maybe what goes around comes around for real. Although as we stood on that road side in Poland now where the euro was not accepted and no one would exchange a dime with us or even point us in the direction of an ATM, our stomach's growling and minds still hazy from the lack of sleep we were blessed yet again. A chief prosecutor walking by stopped to help us, over coming the fear that had held so many others back from talking with us. He helped us to get to a ATM where we took some currency out and then helped our selves to a hardy breakfast from the super market before hitting the road again. This last short jaunt was cold but we thankfully did not have to wait overly long before a ride and then another getting us to Cieszyn in time for lunch! Now as I sit writing on this wonderful Mac laptop, smelling a wonderful meal cooking in the other room and having a bed close by to chill in for the night that's warm and safe from scorpions, I laugh! During adventure it can suck, but usually the greatest trials make the best stories and through them we can always look back and see what a rad God we journey with! Be blessed. Lehmann
Love you guys! I'm so proud of you for your willingness to take risks when God leads you and trust Him to provide. You have taught me so much and I don't know if I would have been willing to take the risk of letting God lead me to LifeForce without it. So thank you! Can't wait to see you guys! I'm counting the days! Kendall
I think that maybe you may have gotten a ride sooner if your facial hair didn't look so scary, Jord! I am so excited that everything worked out for you boys and that you are "safe" at your destination. I can't wait to see you soon! Your sis
Love you guys! I'm so proud of you for your willingness to take risks when God leads you and trust Him to provide. You have taught me so much and I don't know if I would have been willing to take the risk of letting God lead me to LifeForce without it. So thank you! Can't wait to see you guys! I'm counting the days!
I think that maybe you may have gotten a ride sooner if your facial hair didn't look so scary, Jord!
I am so excited that everything worked out for you boys and that you are "safe" at your destination. I can't wait to see you soon!
Your sis
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