Well we are at somewhat of a standstill right now in our journey. We just arrived here in Bali a little while ago and the plan was to travel slowly through Indo to Papua New Guinea and there build a school. But it looks as though this is going to be extremely difficult and very expensive. So apparently there are no flights from here to PNG unless we go back through Australia. Which would cost around three thousand for us to do that. So now we are looking into taking a shipping route that leads us from Dempansar to Jayapura. Then from there we would have to somehow charter a boat into PNG and then take transport of somekind to our destination in PNG. This is all a lot to consider and pray about. Our desire is to be in the will of God wherevere that leads us and whatever that cost may be. We are aware of the many different ministries here in Indo as well as all around South East Asia that we can get involved with. But we are truly seeking the Lords direction for what to do. So please we ask that anyone reading this would pray for wisdom and discernment for the three of us. That we would know without a shadow of a doubt where our next steps should be. We are stoked for the unknown adventures that lay before us and what God has in store over the next little while. Thank you so much for your prayers, we look forward to seeing where they take us. Lehmann
Sunday, February 25, 2007
As we walked out of the airport here in Bali, we were able to pause and smile as we look around seeing the prices. Australia was wonderful, and God provided for our needs while we were there, but I've found a bit of ease coming to a place where you have such cheep prices.
Yesterday I was laying on the beach and was approached by a man selling a cross bow and a blow dart gun, both of which you would clearly need while relaxing on the ocean side. I began considering how ridicules it would be for me to buy this.
So my response was clear that I didn't want it. However, because of my persistence in not wanting to buy, the price began dropping rapidly... By the time I had Him down to $1 U.S. I began to inspect it and ask him to demonstrate how well it worked, as I was suspicious of my incredible bartering skills. It seemed like a great purchase but as I thought of trying to explain to officials at customs the reason for carrying a blow dart gun, I decided not to buy. Jordan although, came to Bali with an agenda, as you find in the picture above, he was able to find a few ladies who were willing to give his mullet braided extensions. As we all know the anticipation of having a long flowing mullet is just excruciating, and he was able to speed it up for a small price. Unfortunately the braids were not able to withstand the crashing waves of a few days of surfing, and he will just have to wait the old fashion way. As the saying goes 'good things come to those who wait.'

We have been able to rent scooters since we've been here, and go surfing which has been a blast. But the interesting part of being here in this country is their rituals. The Hindu life is so incredibly different, they have such a respect for people pasted on and it is seen everywhere.
People each day lay burning incense with special flowers and crackers all over in respect to their Hindu way of thinking. There is a large spectrum of what people think about religion or purpose in life. Often the travelers of the world we meet, are very open to many things and committed to living life as they feel is right. Now we are meeting a culture of people who have a belief system that leads them to perform rituals each day, and it has been a part of their lives from a very young age.
We hope to explore more into the thinking of the Hindu religion to find more of how their worldview allows them to find purpose and happiness. It has been so incredible meeting so many people and learning about how they live and what they live life for. It has been cool to even sometimes share our own view of life. For the next little while we will be traveling an unknown path east, and would appreciate your prayers. Kenton.

Monday, February 19, 2007
Meeting Mick Dundee

Friday, February 16, 2007
One step at a time

Thursday, February 01, 2007
We arrived in Sydney Aus. today have been waiting to write more about our time in Tahiti. As you can see Tahiti is absolutely breath taking. It has so much beauty in every corner of the island, however this beauty has a cost. Tahiti is one of the most expensive places in the world. When we arrived in Tahiti to the capital city of Papetee, we were still very unsure of what the Lord had for us while we were there... like most places.
We began staying in the down town area of Papetee the first few days while we became familiar with the people, the culture and began preparing for the youth night that we were guests for. The church had organized an outreach night for any young person who was interested, right in down town Papetee, called Marama Night "Light Night". We prepared by handing out flyers to the people on the streets, (all to french speaking people) simply telling everyone to come to our party. We each prepared a testimony dealing one with faith, another with hope, and the last being love. We performed a short skit, and did a few English song for them. It was a very fun night as we shared with the people through a translator and watched other people share as well. We were really able to experience the flavor of the traditional culture of Tahiti during our stay. There were traditional dances and songs that were very unique to island culture that was really great for us to experience. After Marama Night we moved out to the rural area of the island and stayed at the church, where we were surrounded by mountains, rivers, ocean, and waterfalls.
The two greatest things about Tahiti for me was the beautiful creation of the island, it was something that was able to often stop me in my tracks to simply stare and be in awe of God's had of beauty in creation. The second was the people in the Church. This church was an obvious example of people being a light in the darkness.
A large reason I decided to travel the world was to see the different lights in the world and to see how each one reflects God's light uniquely. This Church was truly seeking to know God more, and to seek after a Kingdom of God here and now. This Church has shown us that God has plans for the people in Tahiti, and things are underway for big changes. This has inspired the three of us as we spent our days with them that we can truly, offer everything to God for him to prove his faithfulness to us. We have been beginning to see that God desires to bless his children, and to show himself as miraculous, as Jesus knows and even his disciples began to understand God to be.
In return for all that the church has done for us we were able to help repair their floor and extend the front stage, and a few other odds and ends. I do feel that as we helped out with a few jobs at the church they most definitely did so much for us with meals and beds to sleep in. Our time in Tahiti should have been the most expensive 10 days of the trip, but has proven to be the time we spent the least, to the credit of the Tahitian generosity. We were very excited seeing the Lord's will unfold while we were there. And we also pray that God has used us as a vessel for His message to His people in Tahiti.

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