Monday, October 27, 2008
Familiar Red Soil
Sunday, October 19, 2008
And we're BACK IN THE GAME!!!!
Well I am still pinching myself in the reality that almost a year has gone by since we returned home after our world faith tour. As I pulled my backpack out of the closet and brushed all the dust off to put it to use once again I just had to shake my head. I dont know if I have even looked at that pack since november of last year. Ya maybe it sounds weird to you to dwell so richly over my back pack but you gotta understand that for a world traveller my back pack is like my best friend. he goes everywhere with me. At times he's a burden to carry but he always delivers great prizes like...clean underwear, and socks. well hopfully clean anyway. So I filled her up with all I thought I needed and now we are off. Only a week ago I can recall sitting in the truck at work with the guys, looking at our unfinished house and shaking my head saying "guys, how in the world are we going to do this." At the time we had about 3000 dollars in our budget for the camp and a house that needing the outside to be finished. Now here I am sitting at the computer with my flight only hours away with over $15,000 in our camp budget and a house that's pretty much done on the outside (sorry Daryl, have fun!). People keep telling me that I must be so excited and I just smile and nod and say "ya...excited...I guess" yes I am excited but I suppose its a different kind of excitement. its different than the excitement of going to disneyworld, its kinda like the excitement of swimming with dolphins (cause all of us know what that is like) your excited but nerveous cause anything could happen. so we covet your prayers today and for the next weeks. We have high hopes for this camp and believe that God is going to do amazing things. blessing everyone and we will do our best to keep up posted. please reply if you can commit to praying for us everyday, we would really really love that. Dan
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