Uganda's Greatest Memory!
It was a rainy morning, the thunder bellowed in the sky as we set out for the tournament. It was to be a day unlike any other here in Uganda. A day of blood sweat and muddy clothes! We approached the field to cries of muzoongoo muzoongoo, football!! The draft for players went out and three powerhouse teams were formed on that hallowed field. The first was Keno's which took the name "Barcelona" the second was Dan's who blazoned the crest of "Liverpool" and last but not least Jordan's team who were titled with "Manchester United" possibly the greatest football team to ever play the game!
The first game was a battle between Liverpool and United. The rain was still soft and the condition of the field was slimy but playable. The teams took their positions and the fight began. It was back and forth, slide tackles, fancy footwork and finally a goal by United! The crowd went wild with cheers of Man U, Man U! Liverpool left that game heads hanging low.
Next the mighty Barcelona charged the field against the leading United team. The rains became heavy and the thunder roared as Barcelona took up the champions cry and annihilated the United firm. It was a hard loss, but the game was fair. So with that loss United
left the turf to be replaced by Liverpool.
This game was invigorating. Liverpool had a fire in their eyes and wanted victory at all costs. Barcelona scored first, and the crowd cheered! But within a matter of minutes Liverpool's strong offence retaliated scoring their own brilliant goal!! The crowd was split, half chanting for Barcelona and half for Liverpool, fights broke out, tears flowed from children's eyes! The air grew thick! As the time ran down Liverpool with an amazing feat of footwork blazed a trail to the net and scored to win the game! The crowd went wild with excitement!
The last game of the day was for all the glory. Manchester United pinned up against Liverpool! The rains were hard and the field had turned into a terrain of rivers and mud. The officials tried to call the game on account of bad conditions but the players would not hear of it. They took the field as if warriors of ancient Greece, not backing down, no fear in there eyes, only the thirst for victory engulfing there very soul! The
whistle blew and the teams collided! It was back and forth neither team could gain an inch. The crowd's cheers were lost in the heavy rain and pressure of the game. Just as it was looking to be a draw match, Manchester United put it all out on the field pushing towards victory, and in one grand assault they took the win 1-0!! The fans rushed the team raising them to the air and shouting victory chants as the rains poured down. It was a spectacular event one for the history books of football!
The tournament ended with photos of the teams. We all were covered in mud and tears, some of joy some of sorrow! But as we walked off that field, we all knew in our hearts that something special had taken place that day. A time of playing in the rain, fighting for victory and enjoying the crowds and chants of the stadium. A memory to be cherished.
I could almost hear you telling me this story word for word as I read it, with all of the excitement that I am sure you were feeling as you typed it out. You guys are sucha blessing. Jord right now I am listening to "Jordans Right-On Worship CD" that you made for me before you left and I always picture you lip syncing and air-guitaring to the songs. I miss you guys and I love you.
So glad to see that you guys added pictures to this post, makes it seem so much more real!!! Those black boys are so adorable and it looked like they had a blast with you!
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