The faces of Africa have been beautiful and warming. We have felt like kings living here and have not had a lack of things to do. I am in awe of the faithfulness of God and the way that He has led our every step. Arriving to Africa was an intimidating mystery to us but since our feet have touched this red soil we have been nothing but blessed. Spending our days amongst the laughter of children and swimming in the green water of Rwanda has been nothing less than fulfilling. We've made friends of all ages and from all cultures. I already feel that tug on my heart that so many feel when they touch the soils of this great continent. I see and feel a love and joy for life that is not found in materials but only in faces around them. The Bishop of the parish in Gahini where we have worked said to us the other day, "Western people take such good care of the body that they forget to take care of their soul, here in Africa people take such good care of the soul that they forget about taking care of the body" It is very true in so many ways but I am not here to
my country, I am here to soak in the culture of Rwanda and let it change who I am today and who I will become tomorrow. I have never talked to a person who come home from Africa disappointed or unchanged and it so easy to understand why. It only takes few days here and my heart feels changed, challenged and renewed. Rwanda has been a joy to experience. A country of a bloody history now sitting in a great peace, a president who loves God

Hey boys, I am so blessed that you are being blessed!!!!
Praise God for a great time in Africa.
We are praying for you guys daily - for protection and God's hand on the work you are doing.
Can't wait to see you in 3 months!
Hey. I really enjoyed ur last blog. I liked a lot of things you had to say and totally agree with you. (ie when u said "I already feel that tug on my heart that so many feel when they touch the soils of this great continent. I see and feel a love and joy for life that is not found in materials but only in faces around them." and "I have never talked to a person who come home from Africa disappointed or unchanged and it so easy to understand why. It only takes few days here and my heart feels changed, challenged and renewed."
Im encouraged by your blog and totally excited and happy for you guys as i read a bit about ur heart and what ur htinking and feeling as u spend time in africa. I'm happy to hear your testimony of your time in africa so far.
God bless. thinking of you and praying for u often.
-Lyndsie Bachtold
Hey guys! It is so amazing to see how God is using and blessing all of you so much! Africa looks like such an awesome place and it is encouraging to hear your stories. We miss you and are also praying for you all the time.
Take care!
Love cindy
oi! snuck off to the novotel again last night but it just wasn't quite the same without you boys... see you back in the village this arvo i guess. and can't you come to congo instead of uganda??? love you all long time. amahoro, christina x
Hi guys! It is so good to read about your ministry and God's blessings. I like what the Bishop said and I hope that one day soon we will start taking better care of our souls. Bless you my brothers.
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