Standing in a pit of dirty laundry at the Mother
Teresa house this morning my mind drifted away to the many faces that I had just walked by in some kind of haste like I was late for some sort of meeting. Truth is I wasn't late at all but there is something deathly terrifying about looking into the face of a people so broken and poor. The Question is, "what is better, to ignore them or to look and in so doing risk the breaking of your heart" Walking to the home there
wasn't a direction I could look without seeing heart breaking poverty. Naked children sitting crying on the curbs, blind, lame, dirty and poor, they were all there; In every direction. The

slightest glance with gain you a rubbing hand for at least a block and if you give any money at all, you all of a sudden become an ATM. So with arms tied behind my back I walked those streets in complete awe of a world so broken and hurting. Stepping into the Mother Teresa home is not much better; for the place we are serving is
labeled "A home for the Dying" Here

I can look long and deep and hard into the faces of men from every age with every kind of disease and infection you can think of. Holding their hand or rubbing their frail bodies. Mother Teresa's heart was to show love and give some kind of dignity to the dying and I am so unworthy of carrying on this dream. As I changed soiled pants and fed the lame I couldn't help but pray a selfish prayer "God let me die young before I ever end up this way" In a place where I feel that they have lost all dignity and pride having young white kids change their pants it occurs to me that this is more dignity than most were ever shown in their life time.
I stamp the laundry until I think its clean and then proceed to wring it out to be
nsed and my mind drifts again. Who decided that I be born in Canada and these children to be born on these streets. In India the
hindu faith makes a lame attempt to provide this answer by saying it is a punishment from their last life and they deserve to live there. I say Bull! what if it was me or you born in that little frail body, what if I was raised on the streets of Calcutta with only a begging hand to make my living. We live in a world where most things
don't seem fair. Some like to blame this on God, I see their point but the fact of the matter is it
didn't start with God, it started with man and an evil
serpent. Satan came to this world to steal, kill and destroy. Wherever people give him reign he doesn't mess around. Every street corner has a different idol or a different picture of some god or goddess. 30 million gods in total in this country and if that isn't a reign of Satan then you
obviously don't believe in Satan. Justice seems far from the people on the streets of Calcutta, but

isn't what they need. They need freedom, they need grace, they need mercy....They need Jesus!
My heart has been broken - seeing what you have been seeing every day. How blessed I am to live in Canada! I pray that God will continue to lead you and you will be blessed by His divine appointments in your lives!
love you boys!
Dear Kenton, Jordan and Daniel:
How awesome what you young men are doing!!! This experience is one that will certainly change your lives forever!! The Miramichi Uganda Foundation is excited that the three of you are coming to the Orphanage and School. The children of Nakitokolo are certainly as poor and broken as those of India. The School has grown this semester to 500 children which is a huge jump from the 60 we started with. May God Bless You as you continue on your World Faith Tour.
Love: Joyce, Robbie, Carolyn and Breanne Tozer
Dan, appreciate you reflections, definately much food for thought.As your in such extreme settings, we continue to pray that God will accomplish his purposes in both you and those around you, we love you guys! Ma and Pa Lehmann
Thank you guys for continuing to walk in obedience to the Lord. Thank you for acting on your desire to see the hand of God at work throughout the world. Thank you for being willing to serve in so many different ways. I thank God that He is walking with you guys, that He is showing you this world that we live in, that He is teaching you, and that you are able to teach us and open our eyes through your World Faith Tour.
Hey friends,
I'm glad to read that you are doing well! I wish so much that you guys were still here, if not for the fellowship, then at least to share in the beauty that is increasingly being revealed to me. This place is coming alive and has been all the more powerful. I want so much to spend more time here, and I cannot imagine ever coming here for less than a month. Only after a month have I been able to see. I think of you often and am so grateful that God allowed me to meet you. I feel as though our meeting was part of the process of my coming to see. I also pray that hopefully what God revealed to me after a month will be revealed to you everywhere you go. Know that I thank God very much for all of you!
Best wishes and all God's blessings.
dear all...
How are you? long time no see, since you leaving jakarta, it's me feby and family. are all of you enjoying the trip? are on your schedule will come to indonesia again? we miss you so guys.hope GOD bless you all...
just a few indonesian writing,
Hati-hati, kami harap kalian selalu sehat. dan salam buat keluarga kalian di Kanada.
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