Our time here in Papua New Guinea, although different from what we had anticipated has been full of blessings. The renovation project on the teen center has been coming along slow and steady. Which truly is encouraging to see. It is something tangible that is growing each day and we see the results of our labor. Also we have been blessed so much by the community here. Different families have gone out of their way to have us over for meals. So here is a big shout out to the Clements, Russells and the Banks. Thank you so much for opening your homes and tables to us and especially thank you for
the friendship that you have shown to we three. Just recently the opportunity came up to go on a medical excursion to a small village. As we pulled up in our land cruiser all of the small childre
n of the village ran behind the SUV yelling and waving with big smiles on their faces. In the village everyone was bare feet and lived in small grass huts. Playing with the kids and entertainment fell upon us as the nurses examined the babies and sick in the village. So we played games with the kids and mostly ran around laughing and chasing them. We also had the chance to put on a small concert for the village which was a fantastic sight.
A whole village gathered around the three of us while we sang worship songs and praised our Lord. They kept shouting for more songs every time we tried to stop. But eventually one of the guitar strings gave out and it brought the music to an end. This past weekend we we
re honored to be asked to chaperone the grade 12 guys road trip to Lae, a small city on the coast. The weekend was an amazing time of swimming, playing full contact sports and having some amazing talks with the guys. It was such a privilege getting to know these young men who are about to be s
tepping into a new world of work, university and figuring out a new step in life. We got to share our stories about college and what we have experienced since leaving high school. We are hoping to see some of these guys in November when we get home attending FGBC, the college we all went to. Tomorrow is our last full day here in Ukurumpa and although we are excited to get back on the road we will also be sad to leave such good friends behind and the distinct land of PNG. This far corner of the world although remote and difficult to get to is an amazing place.
It is a land of contrasts, people who can be ferocious warriors and also the most friendly loving people willing to walk an extra mile to help a person out. Because of the tribal living here it is still a country of different dialects, tribal warfare and close family bonds , but it lacks the unity as a whole nation because of these unique aspects. I do not think that we will find a place like it in the rest of the world. We have been blessed to be here, it has left a mark on all three of us in many distinct ways. Lehmann
hey there handsome boys!!! I was wondering when you were going to post some more adventures. I'm in Eston right now chilling with nigel. He gives you guys a shout out. It will be great to see your families soon in thialand. The junos are coming to stoon so it's going to be fun. I love you guys tons.
Just read your comments about your time in New Guinea and was blessed by the obvious love and service you have for the Lord in what you're doing. God bless you and may He give you continued health, protection and FUN! as you travel on. Praying for you, love, Arlene
Hey guys...it's great to see some more pictures and hear what you've been up to. Everyone at school stops by "your wall" to look at the updates every time Matt puts new stuff up. We all are so challenged and encouraged by you. I miss you all so much! The weather is finally warming up here in Eston. Only 2 more weeks of classes and then it's all over for me. I've been thinking about ditch-boarding lately. Anyways, I'm so proud of the three of you - I really, really mean that. I feel so blessed to be a part of your lives. Take care. Love you.
I FINALLY taught myself how to post messages! Even though this is the first time I am leaving you a message, I have really enjoyed checking the site and reading what you all have been doing! Brent and I think of you so much and pray for you all often. It's so good to see how God is using you on this journey! We love you LOTS!
God Bless
Guys, I just finished an amazing week at an amazing church, you have to hook up with them when your in England, seriously!! I let them know about you guys, and they are always willing to have more people.
Praying for you guys lots, Love ya!
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