Camp Gahini was all in all an incredible experience. For a dream like this to come together so quickly and so well, is truly amazing. God was working powerfully through this camp. This camp is unique in the effect it has on people, despite challenges and barriers, such as language, kids were affected and changed in awesome ways. It is humbling to see the ways God can use us despite our inabilities. I never knew what to expect from this experience, I never knew what Africa was like or even how this camp would affect kids better than any other method we could use to help the African people. So I stepped into this adventure trusting that God would take this camp and use it, and he did. My perception of Africa before I came was the pictures most people in North America know, a world vision commercial is all they every see, so they assume that is what Africa is. But this adventure opened my eyes. I realized that it is awesome to give money or support in any way you can; however African kids need more than money. They need opportunity. And that’s what this camp gives. It gives kids opportunity to just have fun, to learn and to feel loved. For us to show kids love and tell them we do what we do because God loves them is a profound concept for them. That is why to me it is important for us to be here. Money is great, but love is a necessity. That’s what we are here to give. It was extremely fun to watch as the kids had fun and learned that they can worship God in whatever they do. I feel that I have learned so much from the kids and from the whole culture in my short time here. I am excited to see where the camp will go in the future. All of us involved have ideas and dreams of what is possible, but none of our dreams can match up to God’s plans. That is why I believe this camp will be powerful for years to come.
Caleb Davis