Coming home to Canada and finishing the biggest adventure of our lives felt very melodramatic. Since that day we have accustomed to life in Canada very quickly...almost too quickly. When a person comes home after something like this we must ask ourselves....what next. We can't stop dreaming, now we have to dream bigger. So this is it, the next dream for the lowly world faith travellers, PROJECT RWANDA, We hope to begin in November of 2008 bringing people and materials to begin a camp for youth in Rwanda. the location is already steaked out and now we need you. we need direction and eventually we will need a lot of money. If this is something that interests you please leave a comment with your e-mail and we will be sure to contact you in the next months as things come into place, or please send us an e-mail at one of addresses listed in our profile. Thanks and be blessed and dream big for the God we serve is so much bigger than this little world we live in at such a time as now. Daniel